ppprs – Milwaukee Makerspace https://milwaukeemakerspace.org Conceive, Collaborate, Create Sun, 31 Dec 2017 14:35:59 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.4 Wienermobile and Wienermobile https://milwaukeemakerspace.org/2017/09/wienermobile-and-wienermobile/ https://milwaukeemakerspace.org/2017/09/wienermobile-and-wienermobile/#respond Sun, 03 Sep 2017 00:53:33 +0000 http://milwaukeemakerspace.org/?p=9540

If you joined us at Maker Faire Kansas City maybe you got to see the debut of the little Wienermobile we built for the Power Racing Series. Besides being well received from the crowd, it did pretty good in the race! Due to Moxie points (which get awarded for being awesome) we won the overall race weekend. We came home, wrote a blog post about it, and started getting ready for Maker Faire Detroit…

Detroit was a blast, and well, a few things broke, but meanwhile the folks at Oscar Mayer noticed what we did, and sent us an email asking if the BIG Wienermobile could come visit the LITTLE Wienermobile. We responded with an enthusiastic “YES!!!”

And that’s how the Oscar Mayer Wienermobile came to visit Milwaukee Makerspace on September 1st, 2017. You may notice the two Wienermobiles look quite a bit different. Well, there have been many different Wienermobiles over the years. Due to some confusion about which model we based ours on, we looked at the fact that the vehicle was designed by Carl G. Mayer in Madison, Wisconsin, in 1952 and received its patent in 1954. So we split the difference and chose number 1953. Good Enough!

Honey Mustard and Sammie Jo (yes, the “Hotdoggers” get cool nicknames) loved our little version of the Wienermobile, and we gave them a quick tour of the space, explaining what a makerspace is, and how it works, and showing off Willie’s boat for the very last time.

Since the Wienermobile was there at 9am on a Friday, a lot of our members were at work, or sleeping, or building Daleks. We had a good group of members though, many who helped with the construction of the Wienermobile in some way. (Not picture: Kathy and Kyle, the primary builders! Unfortunately they were out at Burning Man showing off some of their other crazy projects!)

Mat (pictured sitting on the Wiener) served as our driver, providing a demo of the capabilities of the Wienermobile at full throttle. (Reminder: we really need to fix the brakes before driving it again at full throttle!)

Besides all the awesome members who showed up to meet the giant Wiener, we should have a shout-out for Rick, who was busy grilling up Oscar Mayer wieners for us! We all had an early lunch that day, and everybody got to grab a wiener.

Oh yeah, when the Wienermobile is parked outside your makerspace, there’s a good chance the neighbors will notice. A bunch of people who live near the space stopped by, got whistles and stickers, and then got to go inside the Wienermobile. I heard at least three different kids describe it as “COOL!!” and “AWESOME!!”

What can we say? We like big buns and we cannot lie! If you haven’t seen the little Wienermobile in action yet, make sure you visit us at Maker Faire Milwaukee on September 23rd & 24th, 2017 at the Expo Center at State Fair Park. We’ll be racing it against 15 other similarly weird and wild vehicles in the Power Racing Series.

And who knows? Maybe the big Wienermobile will show up again!

https://milwaukeemakerspace.org/2017/09/wienermobile-and-wienermobile/feed/ 0
No welding? No PPPRoblemS! https://milwaukeemakerspace.org/2017/03/no-welding-no-ppproblems/ https://milwaukeemakerspace.org/2017/03/no-welding-no-ppproblems/#respond Sat, 25 Mar 2017 18:57:40 +0000 http://milwaukeemakerspace.org/?p=9397

If you’re not familiar with the Power Racing Series, it’s a challenge to build and race an electric vehicle. You start with a Power Wheels car and transform it into a powerful machine that can transport a human, and oh yeah, you have a budget of only $500. (Pictured above is a car made by some 15 year old kids a few years ago for Maker Faire Detroit!)

You can find super-cheap (and even free) used Power Wheels cars on craigslist, and usually the batteries are dead and there’s no charger, which doesn’t matter, because we replace all that with more powerful motors, batteries, motor controllers, brakes, etc.

One of the goals of the series has been to get high school age kids involved, but some of the skills needed to build a car may be out of reach of your local high school, such as working with metal. Welding equipment may not be available, and mentors may not have metalworking skills, so we wanted to develop a reference vehicle that uses no welding. We chose to mainly work with wood for our build, but check out the “no-weld car” wiki page for some other builds…

Here’s the start of our frame. It’s all wood, glue, and screws. We’ve utilized a torsion box design for strength. So far we’ve only used a saw, drill, and some clamps. No specialty tools that are out of the reach of your common workshop. We’ve got a long way to go, but we’re going to try to make this car super-cheap, and easy to build, so that many teams (of kids and/or adults) could easily build it. As members of a makerspace, we may tend to forget that not everyone has access to the tools and skills we do.

We’re also working on front wheel spindles build using wood and bolts. Yes, you can buy metal spindles for cheap, but a lot of what we are doing is experimenting with materials and geometry, which should provide some valuable lessons along the way, and it should be cheap/easy to modify things, try-test-try again, and see what the outcome is.

You can check out more about this project on the Milwaukee Makerspace wiki. We’ll do our best to add updates as we go. Hopefully this thing will be ready to race in June at Maker Faire Kansas City!

https://milwaukeemakerspace.org/2017/03/no-welding-no-ppproblems/feed/ 0
Bluth Family Stair Car – PPPRS https://milwaukeemakerspace.org/2016/10/bluth-family-stair-car-ppprs/ https://milwaukeemakerspace.org/2016/10/bluth-family-stair-car-ppprs/#respond Mon, 10 Oct 2016 13:23:33 +0000 http://milwaukeemakerspace.org/?p=9210 For the Power Racing Series event at Maker Faire Detroit we decided to rebuild Duck, which was rebuilt from Noah Way, into something new. We decided on the Bluth Family Stair Car because we love Arrested Development and because Jim added it to the list of cars that get extra Moxie points.


The photo above served as our reference image when we were building the body for the car. We didn’t really make any modifications to the frame of the car, and it remained largely what it was when it raced a Make Faire Kansas City in June.


This is what we ended up with. The entire body, paint job, etc. was done in about two nights right before we left for Detroit. (This is typical for the build of a PPPRS vehicle at Milwaukee Makerspace, and sometimes referred to as a “Rage Build”). Oh, while Ed, Kathy, and various other helpers worked on the car itself (electronics, mechanicals, etc.) I focused on the body, because I tend to fall back on my design skills when others jump into the areas they know way more about than I do…


We started out with a bunch of Coroplast (aka “corrugated plastic”) sheets that Kathy brought in, and I created a “box” from which to cut away the unwanted parts, leaving us what would ultimately be the Stair Car. I also took this opportunity to learn all about pop rivets and how they work (and don’t work) and most of the body is held together with pop rivets, washers, and gaff tape.


Pieces have been cut away, and it looks more Stair Car-ish, and started to get a paint job. I should note that Shane and Carl pitched in here with the body, and helped out tremendously.


Meanwhile, over at the vinyl cutter… With a degree in Graphic Design, this is where I get nerdy, and try to replicate things exactly (as time allows) so yeah, I had to find the graphic, convert it to vector, cut the vinyl mask…


…and cut the other vinyl mask, and get things ready for painting. Weeding vinyl is so much fun, why not do it twice!? Yeah, I ended up redoing the whole thing because I used paint that did not stick to plastic. Argh! No worries, practice makes perfect!


I may have made a huge mistake, but it turned out fine in the end. I made another sign for the other side while Shane was making car door windows and a front grill with headlights.


Oh yeah, at some point Ed added another motor so that the car now had front wheel drive via the bicycle hub motor, and one-side rear wheel drive from some motor and controller we had laying around the space.


Some pieces ready for painting, and the soon-to-be Stair Car in the background, awaiting the Banana-worthy upgrade.


Ready for Detroit! I mean, as ready as we could get it with just a few nights working on it until 3:15am or so. It still looks like a bike inside of a box but if you squint real hard… Stair Car!

(At this point I should also note that while no number appears on the “real” Stair Car, the number 40 added to ours does use the font from the opening titles of the television show. Because again, I’m a design nerd.)


The front view is less Stair Car-like, but luckily Karen at the space helped Kathy make an awesome Banana-helmet attachment that really cements the deal. Solid as a rock!


I ran out of time (and steam, which is bad, because I’m powered by steam) and didn’t get to do anything excellent with the back of the car (like add a set of detachable stairs) so it just says “There’s Always Money in the Banana Stand” (though I should have changed “Money” to “Moxie”, oh well.)


The side view is much better than the front or back, which makes sense, but that doesn’t stop race fans young and old from enjoying the Stair Car and shouting out “Go Banana Go!” when they see it pass the slowest cars on the track.


Stay Tuned for the further adventures of Stair Car… With it placing 11th in the season standings for 2016 and one more race left it ain’t over yet!

https://milwaukeemakerspace.org/2016/10/bluth-family-stair-car-ppprs/feed/ 0
PPPRS in KC at MF https://milwaukeemakerspace.org/2016/07/ppprs-in-kc-at-mf/ https://milwaukeemakerspace.org/2016/07/ppprs-in-kc-at-mf/#respond Sun, 10 Jul 2016 23:03:03 +0000 http://milwaukeemakerspace.org/?p=9079 Harbor Freight

We went crazy a few days before Maker Faire Kansas City and rebuilt a vehicle for The Power Racing Series. The boat that was a basket turned into a duck…

Of course no PPPRS trip is complete without a stop at Harbor Fright. We bought all the pink tires they had. You know the pink tires, the ones that destroy themselves? Yeah, those pink tires…

Duck Car

Duallies again! Brings back memories of Red Lotus, doesn’t it? But this time we did not destroy any pink tires. We destroyed other things, but we fixed most of them.

Duck Car

Ed was our primary mechanic and handled all of the electrical system stuff and most of the other difficult things. Ed has a lot of experience building cars and other things…

Duck Car

Lori (aka “The Lorry”, aka “The Truck”) has raced before in Kansas City, and it was good to have her back behind the wheel, er, well, handle bars… Unless you count the main drive wheel when we say wheel. Yeah, let’s talk about that bicycle hub motor that runs at 24 volts, and not 36 volts.

Duck Car

Kathy went full-on duck, but can you blame her? About that hub motor… It’s built for 24 volts, but after the controller malfunctioned we switched it out for a 36 volt controller, which would only work with 36 volts attached to it, so we added a third battery and went crazy. Things worked until they didn’t and the motor burned up, even though we kept pouring water all over it. Drat!

Duck Car

Well, that’s the way it goes in the PPPRS, you either taste victory or you smell things burning. We did manage to get within the top five during the Endurance Race, and maybe even hit second place at one point. It’s all a blur really, and honestly we care more about having fun than we do about winning.

See you in Detroit!

https://milwaukeemakerspace.org/2016/07/ppprs-in-kc-at-mf/feed/ 0
Noah Way! https://milwaukeemakerspace.org/2015/07/noah-way/ https://milwaukeemakerspace.org/2015/07/noah-way/#comments Mon, 27 Jul 2015 17:05:08 +0000 http://milwaukeemakerspace.org/?p=8558 Noah Way!

A few of us worked on a car for The Power Racing Series and somehow we got it done at 3:15am on Thursday night after about a week of intensive nights cutting wood, and trying to weld metal, and scrounging for batteries. We then took it to Maker Faire Detroit and raced it.

The car is modeled after Noah’s Ark, supposedly dimensionally accurate, scaled down, of course. It runs at 24 volts and uses one 250 watt hub motor meant for a bicycle. It was not fast. It drives like a boat, maybe because it is one.

We didn’t break down until the last few minutes of the Endurance Race when we popped a tire, so we just kept going on the rim. (Our qualifying lap was 40.40 seconds. Also our car is #40. Amazing!)

We built this in about a week, and made a lot of compromises to get it done on time. Originally we were going to use two 250 watt hub motors for the rear wheels, but… compromises.

The good news is you can spin around in a super-tight radius by turning the wheel 90 degrees and then going full throttle. The bad news is, you might puke afterwards.

Anyway, we’d love to see more people build cars for The Power Racing Series event that will be happening at Maker Faire Milwaukee. If you start now, you’ve got 60 days, and since we built this in about 6 days (and rested on the 7th) it should be totally doable.

Remember, you don’t have to be fast if you’re awesome. You do need to go, and stop, and not take it too seriously. If you can do those things, we’ll see you at the races!

https://milwaukeemakerspace.org/2015/07/noah-way/feed/ 1
PPPRS 2015?!? https://milwaukeemakerspace.org/2015/07/ppprs-2015/ https://milwaukeemakerspace.org/2015/07/ppprs-2015/#respond Sun, 19 Jul 2015 14:03:17 +0000 http://milwaukeemakerspace.org/?p=8553 PPPRS

There’s less than 6 days until Maker Faire Detroit and the next event for the Power Racing Series

Will Milwaukee Makerspace have a functioning car? Will there be a RAGE BUILD today, and every day this week? Will we pull it off at the last minute and continue our long-standing tradition of racing in Detroit?

Only time will tell…

https://milwaukeemakerspace.org/2015/07/ppprs-2015/feed/ 0
Flaming Lotus is… https://milwaukeemakerspace.org/2015/06/flaming-lotus-is/ https://milwaukeemakerspace.org/2015/06/flaming-lotus-is/#comments Fri, 12 Jun 2015 19:38:16 +0000 http://milwaukeemakerspace.org/?p=8508 Flaming Lotus

Our Power Racing Series team is back for 2015! But, well.. we’re a little smaller. Right now it’s just Ed C. and me (Pete!)

But as you can see from the photo above, we have a body mostly primed. It’s actually been painted a bit more since this photo from two days ago. It’ll be ready to go for Maker Faire Kansas City in (less than) two weeks!

I can hear you saying “Yeah, a body is a great, but where’s the frame, the motors, wheels, controller, brakes, and all that jazz!?”

I present you with this CAD drawing. Everyone knows designing a thing is 95% of building a thing. So we’ve completed 95% of the work… now we have (less than) two weeks left to put it all together. Easy!

CAD Lotus

See you in Kansas City!

https://milwaukeemakerspace.org/2015/06/flaming-lotus-is/feed/ 3
Powered Up for Maker Faire! https://milwaukeemakerspace.org/2014/07/powered-up-for-maker-faire/ https://milwaukeemakerspace.org/2014/07/powered-up-for-maker-faire/#respond Thu, 31 Jul 2014 18:55:05 +0000 http://milwaukeemakerspace.org/?p=7604 Lotusaurus Wrecks

Whew! We had quite a weekend! Somehow we managed to cram both Lotusaurus Wrecks and Iron Rose into the back of a minivan and haul them to Maker Faire Detroit. Luckily a second car followed us with all the tools and batteries.

It was a wonderful weekend of racing tiny electric cars. What’s that? You don’t know about the Power Racing Series? We take those Power Wheels cars that you buy for your kids, get them for free or super-cheap from craigslist, and then rebuild them as electric race cars for adults… for less that $500. Yes, it’s a little ridiculous, but it’s also a lot of real engineering. Some of these cars will impress the crap out of you!

So how did we do? Well, the cars held up, even through a few crashes, so that’s good. Audrey drove Lotusaurus Wrecks to victory in one race, and Iron Rose proved a dedicated mid-fielder throughout the weekend. All in all, it was pretty awesome.

Iron Rose

Note: We know you want to see this crazy racing yourself… well, you’re in luck! We’ll be holding a race at Maker Faire Milwaukee happening September 27th & 28th, 2014. Join us for the madness!

https://milwaukeemakerspace.org/2014/07/powered-up-for-maker-faire/feed/ 0
South Shore Frolics Parade 2014 https://milwaukeemakerspace.org/2014/07/frolics-parade-2014/ https://milwaukeemakerspace.org/2014/07/frolics-parade-2014/#respond Sun, 20 Jul 2014 14:26:18 +0000 http://milwaukeemakerspace.org/?p=7576 2014 South Shore Frolics Parade

Why yes, we did take part in the South Shore Frolics Parade this year, though we had a small crew, our small crew is quite dedicated… to having fun!

We managed to build a float to promote Maker Faire Milwaukee, and put Karen on a phone book so she could see where she was going, and we also convinced Chris to put the Makerspace flag on his bike and ride really fast so it would wave in the wind.

Shane let them know who we are this year by carrying the Makerspace banner, with what appeared to be great stoicism. And of course, there were some tiny electric vehicles from the Power Racing Series. Audrey on Lotusaurus Wrecks, Tiffany on Iron Rose, and I piloted the oldest still-running car we have, Baby Burrito. (Tom also tagged along and did some driving, some walking, and organized a few drag races!)

Thanks to the GoPro camera mounted on my head, we were able to capture some of the action during the parade. So enjoy the view from the top of my noggin!

https://milwaukeemakerspace.org/2014/07/frolics-parade-2014/feed/ 0
KC Maker Faire, here we come! https://milwaukeemakerspace.org/2014/06/kc-maker-faire-here-we-come/ https://milwaukeemakerspace.org/2014/06/kc-maker-faire-here-we-come/#respond Thu, 26 Jun 2014 18:13:25 +0000 http://milwaukeemakerspace.org/?p=7529 Lotusaurus Wrecks

Audrey has been working her butt off on Lotusaurus Wrecks, with help along the way from Tom, Ed, Tiffany, and other members, to get ready for the Power Racing Series event happening at Maker Faire KC this weekend.

But wait, that’s not all! There’s still a good chance Tiffany’s car “Iron Rose” will be ready to roll at the races as well. I mean, it’s not done right now, but as of typing this we still have nearly 24 hours to finish the build. I guess we can test it during qualifying. ;)

So yeah, if you’re in Kansas City for Maker Faire this weekend, stop by the pits and say “Hi” to us, and wish us luck, and award us some Moxie points… We always need more Moxie points!

https://milwaukeemakerspace.org/2014/06/kc-maker-faire-here-we-come/feed/ 0